BMMI in Colombia
July 9, 2024
One Vision: Healthy Leaders and Healthy Churches
July 23, 2024
BMMI in Colombia
July 9, 2024
One Vision: Healthy Leaders and Healthy Churches
July 23, 2024

We Care with One Vision and One Team

By Jonathan Montgomery, Director of Missionary Care

As I share about the ministry of Missionary Care, I often talk about how our care team is helping serve our missionary families. But who exactly is our care team? Well, all of us at BMA Global. Every individual serving through our missions ministry is on the care team.

No matter the position or title of any office staff member, they serve in their role because they genuinely care about the individuals and families called to serve around the world. When we assemble and train students or medical teams to go on short-term trips, we do so in order to support our missionaries. We want to see healthy churches and healthy missions because we care. Whether through accounting, mobilizing, writing, publicizing, or training, the team at BMA Global does it all with a spirit of care for those serving on the field.

Most weeks, I hear about a care need from someone at the office. As they contact a missionary about helping with a news article, planning a mission trip, or assisting with money matters, care needs may come up in conversation. The colleague will let me know and suggest ways to help. It is wonderful that each of us on the care team is looking for ways to serve our missionary families better.

Our missionaries and church planters are also members of BMA Global’s care team. Missionary families look after one another and offer encouragement because they understand what their fellow missionaries experience daily. Because of the Global Care Conference in 2023, our missionary families made strong connections with each other. They have maintained these friendships and still communicate because they truly care. 

There are many ways Missionary Care can serve and support our families serving stateside and worldwide. But we also realize our missionaries eagerly encourage and support their friends serving elsewhere. 

If a missionary reaches out about a specific issue they are facing, we will share helpful resources to meet their needs. One of the best resources we have are our other missionaries. I often suggest the name of another missionary they should contact with possible questions because this missionary navigated the same issue earlier in their ministry. Caring for one another is modeled well by our missionaries.BMA Global aims to continue going, planting, and making disciples. We are working together to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission. And we are accomplishing this because our entire team cares about the well-being of our missionary families.