Overcoming Animism in Africa
June 18, 2024
Short-term Missions with Long-term Goals
July 2, 2024
Overcoming Animism in Africa
June 18, 2024
Short-term Missions with Long-term Goals
July 2, 2024

One Mission – Many Parts

By: John Meriweather, VP of Global Operations

The Christian journey was never intended to be an isolated one. The call to make disciples gives clarity to our need for one another. In a similar fashion, scripture tells us the church is one body made up of many parts. One body represents the unity of MISSION. Many parts represent the MEANS.  God’s plan and design is that we work together, using our God given gifts, talents, and ability to further his mission. 

This is true of the church. This is true of the missionary endeavor. This is true of BMA Global. 

It takes many parts working together to fulfill one mission. 

When you pull back the curtains at BMA Global you will find we are blessed with a talented and skilled team – each using their unique gifts and abilities to serve the overall mission. Ask any missionary and they will tell you these faithful team members are the trellis that allows the vine to grow and produce fruit. They are the backbone of BMA Global.

Our missionaries are SENT with the support and backing they need to sustain long-term ministry impact. Finance and accounting, technology and information management, marketing and communication, insurance and benefit planning and support are fundamental and required. But did you know that our missionaries also receive soul care and counseling services, crisis management training, pre-field ministry and cultural orientation training, ongoing ministry resources and training, furlough support including housing and auto, and so much more.

Though most of these activities are not visible, they are essential for the long-term viability of the missionary endeavor. They create a system of accountability and sustainability. Without them the trellis would collapse under the weight of the vine. 

There is yet another essential member of the missionary team – YOU!

You – the local church that gives generously to support our global missionary endeavor.

You – the family that supports and prays for that missionary that visited your church last year.

You – the prayer warrior that seeks the Lord’s favor and blessing on His work in difficult places.

You are a vital and integral part of the missionary team. There is no greater Mission than God’s Mission. God in his infinite wisdom designed us to work together, in the unity of mission and the uniqueness of talents. We are grateful and thankful for the team that God has assembled that each serves in their unique way, giving, praying, and supporting God’s Mission – TOGETHER!