Marco Tamay: ChangeMaker in Ecuador
July 28, 2021
A ChangeMaker in the Middle East
August 6, 2021by John David Smith
Mission is the mother of all theology!
On the surface, this statement seems problematic to a people who have been ingrained with the idea that our theology is an end unto itself. Sound doctrine is indispensable; however, it is not the ultimate goal. We must remember that the mission of God is an expression of His immutable nature; theology is the man-made attempt to understand His nature.
For many, theology is like an iron strongbox with a huge padlock and we are guardians of the box. In reality, theology is more like guardrails on the super-highway of mission. The first perspective allows (does not necessitate) us to be sitting at the rest area on the side of the mission highway in full protector mode. We must be in movement on the highway of mission and our sound doctrine guides and guards that mission.
In the Gospel of John, the clarity of the mission of God reveals the triune nature of God (see Andreas Kostenberger): The Father sent the Son on mission, the Son (the sent one) becomes the sender of his disciples, and the Spirit is the helper in terms of the mission.
Our God is a missionary God, and it is a blessing to see our dear brothers and sisters serving him all over the world. What a joy to see our ChangeMakers who are committed to the mission of God, and they go full speed ahead within the boundaries of sound doctrine.