Tearing Down the Walls of Prejudice
August 15, 2023
Learning a New Language
August 29, 2023By Lifeword Writer Heather Harrison
Right now, as you read this, Lifeword team members around the world are sharing the gospel through various forms of media and creatively adapting their methods to reach as many people as possible with the gospel. Their deepest desire is that many would hear about Jesus Christ and the hope found only in Him. Allow us to “take you on a trip” across the Atlantic Ocean to see some of what God is doing in Europe.
In Romania, Bodgan Bilav and his wife Daniela’s ministry is two-fold: church planting and producing internet and radio programs to share about God and his Word. They each produce Lifeword shows in Romanian: His show is called Spiritual Impulse and Daniela’s is called Daily Devotionals. They also produce programs in the Romanian, Gypsy, Hungarian, and French languages. Their main work is with the Gypsy people, who are considered outcasts in Romania. The radio programs they produce for the Gypsy people include sharing the gospel along with a lot of music. Bogdan says, “They are a very musical and expressive people.” They have found that music is an effective way to reach the Gypsies since the literacy rate among them is very low. They also have after school programs to help the children with homework, which have been well-received due to thelow literacy rate.
With the war raging on in Ukraine, ministry has gotten increasingly difficult. In a recent email, Lifeword partner Pasha shared, “We’ve experienced more in one year than many experiences in their entire lives.” Yet he acknowledges how God continues to work in these dire circumstances: “We are thankful for seeing the greatness of the Lord and His work in the midst of this difficult time.” Having to adjust to a new reality, they have had their own intense struggles and also been able to help others in significant ways: After having to move from Kyiv for three months and live with friends far away from their home, they have also helped those running away from active battles in their native towns and villages and others who lost their homes and relatives. Currently, Pasha is producing a series titled Word of Life in Every Book of the Bible, which shares God’s hope in every book of the Bible and how to apply scripture.
Sean Pasley and his family are BMA Global missionaries and Lifeword team members living in France. Sean is producing a new podcast, Saine Doctrine. Saine is a word which means “healthy” or “sound.” What a great name for a podcast that shares Christ and teaches doctrine. In his monthly newsletter, Sean says, “The purpose of the podcast is to briefly survey core Christian doctrines and concepts that are mostly unfamiliar to the secular French.” Episodes are in French and are released bi-weekly. Whether the struggle is war, resistance to the message, financial issues, or relational burdens, our Lifeword partners in Europe continue to face difficulties in their lives and ministries. But God is doing a mighty work in the midst of it all. Thank you for your partnership with Lifeword; your support is resulting in the strengthening and equipping of these hardworking missionaries and in countless people hearing the truth and hope of Jesus Christ.