Short-term mission teams partner with BMA missionaries to provide ways for pastors to be known in their communities. Our short-term trips are missionary driven, and the teams come alongside our pastors/church planters to provide things that will assist them in making Jesus known in the community, opening doors for furthering their ministry.

Short-term teams are important for a couple of reasons. If you ask any long-term missionary, most will tell you that their call to long-term missions started on a short-term trip. We know that not every person who attends a short-term trip will choose that as their life work, but some will, and that is a crucial aspect of short-term missions. Our prayer is that God will call long-term missionaries from these trips, and also that 100% of those who go on a short-term trip will become more involved in missions. Through trips, people experience first-hand the physical and prayer needs of our missionaries. We want to promote a lifelong love for missions through these trips.


Getting Involved!

“So, how does my church get involved in doing a short-term mission trip?”
BMA Global is ready to help you! Even if you’ve never put a mission trip together before,
BMA Global can help you be prepared for and travel to the mission field.

Serve with Short-term Missions:

  • Nicaragua - Family Trip
    Spend your family vacation serving with Pastor Oscar and Tamy Gaitan and Paige Ferrell Sanchez serving the families of Nicaragua.
  • Ukrainian Refugees - Construction Trip
    Serve with Larry and Tammy Wood to set up homes for Ukrainian refugees in Poland and the Czech Republic.
  • Ukrainian Refugees - Orphan Ministry
    Serve with Larry and Tammy Wood to bring a VBS to orphans.
1Where Does God Want Us To Go?
Begin your journey with prayer! See the list of BMA Missionaries from around the world who are looking for a team to come and help them carry out their missions. You’ll also see exactly what kind of help they need. Pray that God will show you which one of these ministry areas best fits your church. Match the gifts of your people with the needs of the missionary.
2Give Us a Call
BMA Global stands ready to help you. Call 214-498-3041 and speak with our Short-Term Missions Director, Angela Rice. She will be glad to help you determine exactly which trip will be most effective in advancing God’s Kingdom and will benefit your church. Once we zero in on where you are going, the work of getting prepared for the journey begins!
3Get Prepared!
Being part of a short-term mission trip can be very rewarding. At the same time, if your team isn’t prepared both physically and logistically, it can be no more than just another trip. At worst, it can be a disaster both for your church and for the missionary. The key is to spend time before your trip getting prepared. BMA Global will help get your team ready. We will be by your side from your first team meeting until your final team debriefing when you arrive home. Get started with our online Short-Term Mission Trip Training HERE!
4Be A Missionary!
A mission trip is not only a spiritual journey; it’s also a lot of fun! Experiencing another culture and investing in the lives of others is the opportunity of a lifetime. You and your church will never be the same!