What is Our Motivation?
May 31, 2022
Leading Requires Humility
June 13, 2022
What is Our Motivation?
May 31, 2022
Leading Requires Humility
June 13, 2022

Short-Term Team, Long-Term Impact

Short-term missions teams partner with BMA missionaries to provide ways for pastors to be known in their communities. These teams are missionary driven and provide teams that can come alongside our pastors and church planters to provide things that assist them in making Jesus known in the community and open doors for furthering ministry.  

Short-term teams are important for a couple reasons. Most long-term missionaries felt their call to long-term missions on a short-term trip. We know that not every person who attends a short-term trip will choose that as their life’s work, but some will, and that is a very important role of short-term missions. Our prayer is that God will call long-term missionaries from these trips. Our prayer is also that 100% of people going on a short- 

term trip will become more involved in missions. Through trips, we give people a first hand experience of the physical and prayer needs of our missionaries. We want to create a life long love for missions through these trips.  

Hear from Pastor Rigoberto Jimenez Cruz on how he uses short-term teams in his ministry:

“For those of us who have lived the experience of shoeboxes and especially for me, they have great meaning and value. I have lived so many experiences with so many children that sometimes it is impossible to say which one is better since each of them has wonderful details. 

“I thank God every day because he has sent short-term missions teams that have been incredibly effective in carrying out the Lord’s work. These tools have been Baptist Medical Missions International teams, Volunteer Student Missions teams, and the Everlasting Smiles Shoeboxes. They have been tools that have opened doors for us to make ourselves known in the community, to establish a new meeting place, and most of the time these places (where we have distributed shoeboxes) end up becoming a church. 

“Today I want to talk to you about a place called Santo Tomas. A little over four months ago we visited that place, and had contact with two families and two small children. Our heart’s desire is always to open new mission fields. We already had God’s approval to do it; we were waiting for the right moment. Praying to God, we said, ‘I believe that we can make ourselves known with the shoeboxes.’”  

“And this is where it all begins, not with Pastor Alfredo, not with Pastor Josue Yair, not with Missionary Rigoberto, but with two little ones named Carlos and Jorge to whom we gave the date for giving out shoeboxes. One of them told me, “’Brothers, let’s tell all the children! I think many will come!”’ They began to invite all the children of each community. To each child they saw they shared the news of an event where all children would be given a shoebox filled with gifts. 

“Delivery day arrived, and Carlos and Jorge were waiting for us with the children they invited. Once again, I saw in the face of this boy a great faith that he and his friend had done a great job. There was no doubt God would bless what they had done. 

“Speaking to adults, Jesus used children as examples because many times we do not give the importance we owe to children. Once again I expressed my gratitude to each of the brothers, sisters and young people of the different churches of our association for the effort they make in sending shoeboxes. The day we passed them out, 143 children were there because of the great work of two children who were never selfish and thought only of bringing many friends to receive gifts. 

“In addition to that great blessing through the the work of the children, on Sunday, March 6, we have started a new mission in Santo Tomas. It is not because of the ability of anyone in particular, it is that when we join forces I have no doubt that God will do great things starting with a shoebox or with a medical clinic. I pray that God continues to bless the efforts of each one of you. We are grateful for sharing with us many eternal smiles.  

“Whether giving out shoeboxes, providing medical care, or students serving with the church, short-term missions are effective to our missionaries. Each group provides support to the local church and church planting efforts. God blesses the team members who serve, the pastors, and the missionaries. We look forward to hosting more teams in the future.”