Peruvian ChangeMakers Planting Churches in Brazil

Joseph Eniowo, ChangeMaker in Nigeria
January 29, 2021
ChangeMaker in Honduras: Leading the Garifuna People
February 21, 2021
Joseph Eniowo, ChangeMaker in Nigeria
January 29, 2021
ChangeMaker in Honduras: Leading the Garifuna People
February 21, 2021

Peruvian ChangeMakers Planting Churches in Brazil

Three national associations are partnering with Denis and Tatiana Echevarri to plant a Spanish-speaking church plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where Portugese is spoken. 

This Peruvian couple have very similar backgrounds: They were both born in Tarma, Peru, raised in Christian homes, and saved by God’s grace at the age of fifteen.

Soon after Denis was saved, he began to serve the Lord through music when he and some friends started a Christian folklore band. They traveled all over Peru visiting churches, playing Andean music and encouraging people. God used this ministry and Denis was able to see many people saved and rededicate their lives to the Lord. 

While serving in this ministry, Dennis met Tatiana, who has served in many areas of church ministry, including being involved in two successful church plants in Peru. 

After they met Denis left Peru and moved to Brazil for work, but he could not stop thinking about two things: Tatiana and his desire to be used of God. After a short long-distance relationship Tatiana and Denis were married and Tatiana moved to Brazil to be with her new husband. 

With his new wife by his side, the desire to be used of God grew even stronger. He was already serving at his local church teaching classes and even preaching every now and then. He also went to seminary but struggled with leaving his profession for full-time ministry. 

Today he struggles no more. He knows that God wants him to plant a Spanish-speaking church in Brazil. 

After Denis reached out to Jonmichael Poulin, BMA Latin America Coordinator, and told him of his desire to plant a Spanish-speaking church in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Jonmichael encouraged him to contact BMA Brazil about the idea. Denis talked to Jarede Souza (BMA Coordinator in Brazil) who loved the idea and wanted his church to be the mother church of this new church plant. 

So Denis and Tatiana joined Igreja Batista Castelo Forte and will be sent out as missionaries from this church. Both BMA Brazil and BMA America will be involved in the church plant. 

When BMA Peru heard what God was doing through these two Peruvians who simply wanted God to use them, they desired to help as well. The result? Dennis and Tatiana will be the first missionaries supported by BMA Peru, which is made up of mostly rural churches.