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Open Doors and Church Plants

By BMMI Director Dr. Ralph Izard

Baptist Medical Missions International is the humanitarian/benevolent arm of BMA Missions. The primary purpose of this ministry is to provide humanitarian aid or assistance for many nations of the world where care is needed because of economical, geographic, or disaster reasons.

BMMI is opening doors for BMA missionaries to plant new churches and make new disciples for Christ all around the world. Many churches and individuals partner with us to serve with missionaries. The main goal of BMMI is to assist pastors and missionaries in meeting people in their communities. Many people come out to a medical clinic to receive healthcare, but our prayer is that they leave with more than just a few pills. We want them to leave with hope, the kind that comes from knowing Christ. 

During our clinics, local pastors and missionaries set up an evangelism station that each patient goes to as a part of our rotation. Here they are introduced to Christ, to the local pastor, and to the church. 

Hear from BMA Missionaries Stan and Donna Scroggins about how BMMI has impacted their lives both as volunteers serving with medical missions and also as missionaries on the field:

 “We always knew how important Baptist Medical Missions International (BMMI) was to the local people who received medical care through this ministry. Stan and I started traveling with BMMI back in the 1990s. As a nurse, I relished using my skills alongside doctors and other medical professionals to provide care otherwise unreachable to the desperately poor around the world.

“Not until we began serving as full-time missionaries in the Philippines did I understand how important BMMI would be to us as BMAA international missionaries.

“Living in the Philippines has afforded us opportunities to be part of teams in Vietnam and Cambodia, which opened doors for ministry, but it has been joining the teams in the Philippines that has meant the most.  

“First it was in Northern Luzon where Missionary Fil Kakilala works with a ChangeMaker missionary planting a church. While part of that team we met an American Filipino who was born and raised on the island of Leyte. She asked us to check on her village of Tigbagwan in the mountains around the city of Maasin. That was four years ago, and now there is a vital mission church in that village.

“Then in 2019 a team came to work directly with us here in Talisay City, Philippines. Well, let me just say that is when the real impact of BMMI’s work became real to us. First, since we live in Talisay City we dreamed of starting a church in our little Jerusalem. BMMI set up a clinic right in our little village and guess what? That village captain is now such a good friend that he allows us to have complete freedom bringing the gospel to his people. This allowed us to take a group of students from BMA Bible College to do outreach there. It was during this time that the village captain accepted Christ and wanted his entire family to be saved also. 

“Second, the BMMI team traveled to our mountain ministry in Ahgu to work with Missionary Church Planter Kevin Berayo. Because of this, Kevin has now started his third mission in that region.

“Not only does BMMI bless those desperately in need of medical care but also the hearts of missionaries. God uniquely places a love in the hearts of missionaries for the people He sends them to reach. That love for our dear Filipinos has been the biggest effect of the ministry of BMMI to us personally. Nothing has brought us greater joy than hosting BMMI teams to love on our dear Filipinos. 

“In a time when travel is so difficult, when countries are in lockdown, when funding is limited, BMMI still moves on, breaking down the hindering walls and bringing the love of Christ to all peoples of the world and to BMA missionaries as well.”