New Missionaries

God Will Lend You the Tow Sacks
May 1, 2019
Do We Really Ever Pray for More Laborers?
May 29, 2019
God Will Lend You the Tow Sacks
May 1, 2019
Do We Really Ever Pray for More Laborers?
May 29, 2019

New Missionaries

By: Eric Johnson

Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest. Luke 10:2

The need for missionaries has always been great. In his time, as Jesus looked at the cities and towns before him, he said that the harvest was plentiful, and the laborers were few. This continues to be true as we look across the landscape of humanity today.

The Greatest Need

The vast majority of people in the world do not know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Our missionaries around the world can attest to the truth of that statement. Whether the religious majority in a country is Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, animistic, or Christian, most people in the world do not know Christ. In the United States, most people know about Christ and may even say they are Christian, but it is evident that most of those same people do not have an abiding personal relationship with Jesus. In Latin America, most people would say they are Christian. Yet when asked what they are trusting in for salvation, a great majority will answer that it is their own works that save them. This is in the so-called “Christian world.” In Asia and the Middle East, millions have not yet heard that there is a Savior who can give them eternal life.

Jesus said we need more workers!

The Lord’s Solution

God has blessed the work of Baptist Missionary Association (BMA) Missions. Today the gospel is being preached in almost 80 countries through BMA Missions efforts. By the grace of God, we have more American BMA missionaries than ever before in BMA of America history. Our churches are supporting close to 600 national church planters across the globe. Thousands of lives are being changed. Church multiplication is taking place. The name of Christ is being proclaimed to the nations; and yet with God, we can do more! We are doing more than we ever have and yet we must continue to send missionaries. Some of you reading this article may be used to plant churches in the future. Some of you may go. Laborers are surely needed.

As international director, I travel to many of the fields where we have missionaries. One of the common themes that I hear from people in other countries is one of thanksgiving. They ask us to thank our churches for sending missionaries to their people. One national pastor in Latin America expressed it this way: “BMA people are a sending people.” What an honor to be known as a people who send missionaries with the gospel to people who have not heard.

This year we are blessed to be sending missionaries to the Philippines, Romania, and Latin America. As you read about them, I ask if you would please do three things: 1) commit to pray for these missionaries and the people with whom they will share Jesus; 2) pray that the Lord would send more like them; 3) and pray about how you can be involved in supporting these individuals and BMA of America missions.

Candra is a Member of Hopewell Baptist Church in El Dorado, Arkansas.

She will be going to Romania to serve alongside BMA missionaries Bryan and Pam Risner in the fall of 2019. The Risners have a vision for church planting among the Romanian and gypsy people of Romania. Candra has been to Romania and has been coordinating with BMA Missions and the Risners as she prepares for missionary service. Pray for Candra as she arrives in Romania. She will need to dedicate a substantial amount of time during her first year to learning the language and people of her new home. As a part of the BMA team in Romania, Candra is planning to assist the Risners by helping assimilate different people groups into the church, as well as helping develop discipleship strategies for children, teens, and women. Please keep Candra in your prayers as she embarks on the mission where God has led her. Pray for Romania. Pray that God would send more laborers for the harvest there.

Cris and Alicia are members of Good Hope Baptist Church in Columbia, Mississippi.

Alicia Ramshur was sent to the Philippines in 2010. During her time there, she married Cris Samson, and they now have a baby boy (Benjamin). Cris is a church planter, and they have begun serving the Lord together in the Philippines. Last year, they returned to the United States so Alicia could finish her medical degree and take tests finalizing her medical licensing requirements. Cris and Alicia
will be returning to the Philippines as a missionary couple. They intend to help struggling mission points that Cris is familiar with in evangelism and discipleship, as well as provide medical assistance to the people in isolated areas where there is a need for health care workers. After their arrival in the Philippines, they will be seeking the Lord’s will for a new area where they will plant a church. From
the beginning of the church plant, Cris intends to pour into young men who will be able to continue the work of the ministry. Pray for them. Pray for the Philippines. Pray that God would send more laborers for the harvest there.

Hannah is a member of Central Baptist Church in Prescott, Arkansas.

Over the next year, Hannah will be studying Spanish in Costa Rica. In 2015, Hannah went on a short-term mission trip to Honduras. It was after this trip that Hannah believes the Lord opened her eyes to the needs of people and called her to get involved in missions. Hannah is a dental hygienist and is seeking the Lord’s guidance as to a specific location where her gifts, talents, and education can be used to advance the cause of Christ. Pray for Hannah as she learns Spanish and the Lord continues to guide her in missions.

May BMA churches continue to be a sending people for the glory of God. Thank you for your efforts and support of BMA Missions.