Ministering in Thailand

Jesus Was a Genius
August 2, 2019
Buddy Johnson: Reaching for God’s Glory
August 7, 2019
Jesus Was a Genius
August 2, 2019
Buddy Johnson: Reaching for God’s Glory
August 7, 2019

Ministering in Thailand

Siripong Yaebeang is a missionary to Bangkok. He and his wife Jessie are the parents of two young boys. They minister in the same area of Bangkok as Brandon and Brittney Lingle and their two children.

By God’s grace, he saved me in my last year of college in 2009. God brought different people into my life to explain the gospel of Jesus Christ to me. That year God was working in my heart and showed me that I was a sinner in need of a Savior. 

Because I grew up in a Buddhist country, I thought the way to eternal life was doing good deeds and being a good person. God opened my eyes to see that it’s only by his grace through the person and work of Jesus Christ that I could be saved.

 After God saved me, he changed and transformed the passion and desire in my life. God opened my eyes to see something in Thailand that I had never seen before – the spiritual darkness. 

The fact that God is not being worshipped in this nation motivated me to want to commit my life to making God known among the Thai people. As time goes by, God has convinced me that the way we can make a long-term impact in the nation is through church planting. 

 We are now planting a church in Bangkok, Thailand. While I cannot tell you the name of our church, the translation is North Bangkok Church. We meet at a hotel meeting room every Sunday and are currently looking for a larger place, possible even the hotel next to our current location.

 Our aim is to plant a church that faithfully preaches and teaches the Word of God. In Thailand there are many “Christian” churches without sound Bible doctrine, which is confusing to the Thai people we minister to. 

Since the majority of people are Buddhists, not many people know or read Scripture. We are reaching out to the communities and universities around us with the hope that God will open a door to talk to them about the things of God. 

Our church is also proclaiming God’s truth through social media. We are producing videos that answer different questions people have from a biblical perspective. 

Also, God gave me the desire and grace to write a 365-day devotional book in Thai last year. It is a book designed to help people understand Scripture and apply it to their daily walk with God.

We hope and pray that God will help us to be a solid biblical church that’s faithful to him and his Word. Not only that, we also pray that in God’s timing, he will use our church to raise up leaders to go plant other churches throughout Thailand.