Meet Your Missions Team: Tina Cummins

Pre-field Training for a BMA Missionary: Is God Telling You to Go?
December 5, 2019
Lessons From the Shepherds
December 18, 2019
Pre-field Training for a BMA Missionary: Is God Telling You to Go?
December 5, 2019
Lessons From the Shepherds
December 18, 2019

Meet Your Missions Team: Tina Cummins

When she applied for an accountant job in 2012, Tina Cummins didn’t realize it was in the Missions office of an association of churches. Although she wasn’t necessarily looking for full-time work, the fact that it was ministry related appealed to her. So after interviewing with Executive Director John David Smith, she and her husband Rick agreed that it sounded like a perfect fit.

Seven years later, she certainly has no regrets, especially when it comes to meeting the missionaries whose accounts she manages. But what she loves the most about working for BMA Missions is the family atmosphere, both in the office and with missionaries around the world. 

Growing up in the small Arkansas town of Joy gave Tina a strong sense of family. Her dad died when Tina was two years old and her sister, thirteen years older, left home three years later. Even though she was sort of an only child, she never felt lonely with the many cousins, aunts and uncles on her mother’s side living close by. 

Tina recalls that her church family was equally important. As long as she lived at home, her mother made it clear that church was more than just a priority; it was part of their lives. Serving in the church was also important. Her mother was the pianist and other family members served in various roles; it’s just what they did. 

She feels very grateful for that faith family and compares it the BMA family she is now a part of. 

Her salvation story changed the way she parented, and it taught her, as she says, 
“the power of sharing your story.” An enthusiastic and well-meaning young man who was substituting for Tina’s kindergarten Sunday school teacher invited her and two other children to say a prayer of salvation. She remembers vividly sitting back down in her chair when the others bowed their heads and repeated his prayer. Four years later, a cousin shared with her that although she had been baptized at five years old, she hadn’t really understood, and now that she did, she was being baptized again.

Her cousin’s story was an impactful one, and she realized that hers was the same, so she was saved and baptized at the age of nine. When Tina’s three boys began their own faith journeys and contemplated salvation, she made sure to let them ask questions, understand everything and be sure of their decisions. Just like her own mother emphasized as she grew up, making sure they were plugged in to a church family was a priority. 

Tina and Rick’s oldest sons, Jonathan and Josh, were born while she studied accounting at University of Central Arkansas (UCA). After receiving her degree in accounting she worked two days a week so she could stay at home with her boys. Once her third son Jake was born, she stayed at home until he started school, then did bookkeeping for small businesses and her church, First Baptist in Wooster, Arkansas.That’s when she heard about the accountant position at BMA Missions. 

Beginning in January 2013, she began commuting to Little Rock, Missions’ former location, twice a week until June of 2014 when the Global Ministry Center’s offices were completed. 

Tina says, “I think it (the move to Conway) has made us more of a family here. We were separate and you just don’t connect the same way. Now it’s like a church coming together and all the shared resources have made us a family. If I had just worked with one department, I wouldn’t know what Lifeword was or Disciple Guide was. When you’re all together you are more apt to be more involved with other ministries. For example, everyone helps out with Lifeword’s Walk in October, no matter what department they serve.”

At her home church, she participated in and taught GA (Girls Auxiliary) and learned about missionaries. She also met them at church camp and growing up, she says, “I always thought they were the celebrities.” 

Now her job includes helping them manage their funds. Analyzing, budgeting and producing financial statements is another interesting part of her job, but helping missionaries on the field is the most rewarding, especially when she’s able to meet and visit with them.

“When they’re back in the States, they usually come to visit with lots of people at the building (BMA Global Ministry Center), but they will always stick their heads in my office and talk. Usually I have met them when they are commissioned. I just want to help them as much as I can and answer all their questions. Every missionary has three different funds, so there are over 200 funds we keep track of.” 

For Tina Cummins, the accounting job she applied for in 2012 has been an unexpected blessing. As someone who knows the importance of family, she feels blessed to be part of a global ministry family that sends missionaries, and the gospel, around the world.