Life and Legacy of Don Newsom
July 23, 2021
The Mission of God vs. Theology
August 1, 2021Greetings to all who read this from BMA America. I am very grateful to God for his blessing on our work. I am very thankful for all the support we have received from the churches of BMA America. Also, I am very thankful that you have sent Brother Buddy Johnson to work with us during these difficult times.
We have formed a team of coworkers in Ecuador, our goal is to give a biblical basis to those who attend our worship service. We are working together to form leaders who have a strong doctrinal foundation. We are presently working together to establish home Bible studies which we call “Centers of Love.” These will strengthen our church as new believers come together from these studies.
We have between forty and fifty people who love our Lord and are struggling to learn sound doctrine from the Word of God. Many are striving to learn true Bible doctrine and are correcting some of the false doctrines they have been taught by other churches. I confess that I am one who has struggled in this same area, and I am grateful to God and to you for the truth of God’s Word that you have taught me.
We are a mission from Union Hill Baptist Church in Brownsboro, Texas. We hope to become an organized Baptist church in the near future. We are grateful to Brothers Buddy and Eric Johnson for giving us a vision to plant other churches in our country. We have a mission outreach in SigSig, which is a town about two hours from us.

We are very thankful for the prayers of many who have committed to pray for us. Also, we are grateful for those who have worked with us over the years—Brother Dickson, Brother Johnmichael Poulin, Brother Chris Huson, Brother Pool, and others. It is an honor to be a part of BMA mission work. I ask you to pray for our many young people who have problems they are struggling to overcome. Pray for those who have come to Christ and are to be baptized. Pray for many whose marriages are not good. Pray for our identity and our impact in our city.
We want to be known as the church that loves Jesus, people, God’s Word, and the truth. Only Scripture is to be the basis of our work. We also want to be known as a Great Commission church. We ask you to pray for God’s blessings on our work. We are truly grateful for the work Brother Buddy Johnson is doing with me and our men; and we are extremely thankful for the work his wife Mrs. Taffy is doing with the women in our congregation.
Your fellow laborer,
Marco Tamay