Current BMA Global Missions Work in Ghana
October 24, 2023
Jamshad Hadyat: A Journey of Faith, Service, and Impact
November 7, 2023
Current BMA Global Missions Work in Ghana
October 24, 2023
Jamshad Hadyat: A Journey of Faith, Service, and Impact
November 7, 2023

Lifeword Expands Across Latin America

By Heather Harrison, Lifeword

Joy. Excitement. Thankfulness.  Those were the sentiments as twenty-five Lifeword representatives from various Central American countries gathered in El Salvador at the end of June. Their purpose was to learn from and encourage one another, celebrate what God has done, and look ahead at Lifeword Latin America. Every Lifeword team member is a firm believer in discipleship, and it is backed up by the fact that each is discipling someone. Most reported having multiple professions of faith and new believers being discipled.

Team members, representing churches and countries from México, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Panama, and the United States, were trained in editing, recording, voice, ministry, and preaching.  They also worshiped God together and shared his word–encouraging each other to serve in humble obedience, giving all glory to God. 

One of their primary tasks was to select a new Lifeword coordinator for Latin America.  They unanimously agreed and appointed Rigoberto Jimenez Cruz. Brother Rigoberto is the BMA Global Coordinator for El Salvador. He pastors Centro De Vida Montelimar Baptist Church and is a team player, leading in serving, evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. The new mission points in El Salvador are progressing and discipleship is ongoing. As the new coordinator, Brother Rigoberto will oversee Central America, South America, Caribbean, and Spain.  

Here are some updates of what God is doing through the three-way partnerships of Lifeword, the local church and BMA Global:

Lifeword team members plan to share the gospel through three new initiatives at the border of Colombia and Venezuela, as well as through other formats and digital platforms to reach additional audiences.

Three new language speakers for the Guahibo (aka Jivi), Puinave, and Tenec have been identified. Other languages are currently being explored. This means many more will be able to hear the gospel in their native language.

The Garifunas are now reaching the Mesquito people group. Praise God for the work being done in Latin America!