Jamshad Hadyat: A Journey of Faith, Service, and Impact
November 7, 2023
Changing the Lives of Californians
November 21, 2023
Jamshad Hadyat: A Journey of Faith, Service, and Impact
November 7, 2023
Changing the Lives of Californians
November 21, 2023

Faithfulness in a Godless Culture

By Milan Bulak, ChangeMaker in Czech Republic 

Our ministry is about faithfulness. People in our region reject religion and when you say “Christ” it is even worse. Simply said, this is a Godless culture. They do not care about God and reject his existence and their need for him. But we know that it is not about us. We are those who plant and water, but God is the one who gives growth. That is a source of encouragement for us. To know that God is sovereign and that the gospel is the power unto salvation. 

We have had some new people coming in the past year to our worship service. I will mention some names and ask for prayers: David, Nickolas, Alex, Mrs. Linhart, Lukas, Ema, and Adela. It is always a miracle when people listen to the Word of God and come to him in faith. 

David comes from a charismatic background and realized that he was not getting the truth in that movement. He is very thankful to be in a Bible-believing church. We teach from the Word, and he sees that there is much more in it and he sees the beauty of the gospel. 

Alex is from a non-believing family and is 14. He comes every Sunday and every Bible study. He also went to a youth church camp. 

Mrs. Linhart is 79. We witnessed to her and prayed for her for 10 years. Probably a year ago she came and started to listen to the gospel. A few months ago you could see the change in her life and attitude. She repented of her sins with tears and called to Christ to save her soul. We can see the fruit in her life, and last Monday we baptized her. 

I have to mention also Ema, my niece who started coming to our church. She was with us at the church camp and I can see some change in her life. In the past she came a couple times in a year to worship, but she is more serious about God. 

Adela is the daughter of one of our dear church members. Her mother is a believer, but her father is a nonbeliever. She was a rebellious child with opposition towards God and her mom. She was with us at the church camp. She changed a lot, and her relationship with her mother is much better. Praise God. She also comes to our worship service. 

Please pray for all of these. Some do not know God but listen and think. Some are born again and are in the beginning of their walk with the Lord and need discipleship and prayers. 

Church Camp 

Every year we have a church camp for church members and friends. Five like-minded Baptist churches (our church is one of them) here in Czech for the past eight years have come every summer for a week-long church fellowship which consists of morning and evening preaching, singing, praying, and a lot of discussions and fellowship during the day. 

We started the camp with 80 people, and this year we had 200+ people. There were people from all over the Czech Republic, and we had some people from Slovakia, Ukraine, and one sister from Germany. Her name is Petra, and she got saved under our ministry. Last year we baptized her. Please pray for her also.

Conferences and Preaching Opportunities 

This past year I had a chance to preach and teach in other regions. I taught apologetics at the Bible Institute, and preached in churches in Bohemia and Moravia. I was invited to preach at the Bible conference in Prague where I preached on justification by faith. What a grace to see Czech Christians eager to learn this great doctrine and then go back into this dark world with the bright light of the gospel. This coming October, by the grace of God, I will preach two messages at the conference close to the city of Trinec, which is close to the Polish and Slovakian borders. I will preach on the authority and inerrancy of Scripture. 

Other Ministry 

I help with a Christian magazine every three months. It is a great opportunity to teach people in Czechia and Slovakia about important topics such as discipleship, gender, attributes of God, etc. By the grace of God, I also edit books for Christian publishers and teach English in one company as a tool for evangelism. My student is a young manager and his name is Radim. Please, pray for him. He is one of the top leaders in their company and has a bright future. But without God, it is a loss. I share the gospel with him and have very good discussions. 

Our Needs 

Please, pray for our people and for us that we stay faithful in this godless and God-rejecting place. Pray for effective discipleship and growth. 

Pray for us as we do not have a permanent building. 

Pray for our finances. 

Pray for our children.