Arabic Church in Orlando, Florida
May 25, 2021
Cross Cultural Considerations For Missionaries-Part Two
June 14, 2021by Executive Director John David Smith
In cross-cultural missions, there are basic cultural issues that come into play. Over the next few months we will take a cursory look at some of them. We affirm that the Bible is always authoritative over culture; however, in order to bear much fruit (John 15) and have more sheep (John 10), it is necessary to understand our own culture and the culture in which we will do ministry.
Jesus walked into a very specific culture of religiosity with the Pharisees and the other religious sects in first-century Israel. At times He used culture, at times He challenged culture, and at all times He understood culture. One of the first characteristics of American culture is individualism. Most all of our historical heroes – Daniel Boone, Superman, John Wayne, the Lone Ranger and others – are solitary heroes who did it all alone.
In American culture we have many customs and mechanisms that demonstrate our “self-reliance” as opposed to most other cultures in the world who are “collectivistic” where the extended family and the group goals are more important than the individual achievements. You can imagine how a missionary walking out of an individualistic culture and into a collectivistic culture can struggle mightily to adapt, build relationships, and do ministry.
We are thankful for the many who have crossed those cultural lines and still do it today in order to see the gospel, which is greater than culture, transform lives all over the world.
The vast army of ChangeMaker missionaries around the world is a testament to this life- changing power of the gospel and the Spirit-given power to cross cultures and fulfill the mission of Christ.