CO:MISSIONED in North America–Reaching Those Next Door
January 17, 2023
CO:MISSIONED in Asia-Pacific–Keeping Up the Good Work
January 31, 2023
CO:MISSIONED in North America–Reaching Those Next Door
January 17, 2023
CO:MISSIONED in Asia-Pacific–Keeping Up the Good Work
January 31, 2023

CO:MISSIONED in Africa–Obeying the Great Commission

By Johnmichael Poulin, Regional Coordinator for Africa and South America

Jesus’ words in the Great Commision tell us to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Our missionaries and pastors in Africa are putting all of these verbs into action as a part of their process–they go, make disciples, baptize, and teach. Because they follow each of the verbs in this process, we see church multiplication. 

In recent years we’ve seen significant progress in Africa. Two American missionary families–Joshua and Meagan Phiri and Mickeal and Sharon Quillman–are now in Zambia, ending the period of time in which no American missionaries were present in Africa. Churches are being planted, the gospel is being preached, and missionaries are being called to go out. The BMA has presence in LiberiaIvory Coast, GhanaBurkina FasoTogoZambiaMozambiqueTanzaniaCape VerdeNigeria, and others. Churches are planting churches and multiplication is happening. 

The church in Africa is growing, even in a culture where animism, corruption, and charismatic practices are rampant. While these belief systems and practices pose obstacles to overcome, God is still faithful. Men like Moses in Ghana, Clement in Burkina Faso, and Renatus in Tanzania are living CO:MISSIONED lives dedicated to investing in others for the sake of the gospel. 

Our American missionaries are also living CO:MISSIONED lives as they seek God’s guidance in ministering to the people of Zambia. Joshua and Meagan Phiri are working in several impoverished villages to plant new churches and support existing church plants. Mickeal and Sharon Quillman have started a Bible training center to train pastors and church leaders and are also working alongside a church plant. Continue to pray for these families as they serve in a country where the challenges are unique and unlike those we face here in the United States. 

We hope to see more American churches partner with the work happening in Africa. Partnering with African missions can look like a number of things: praying, regularly encouraging ChangeMakers and missionaries, supporting them financially, and even going. We can’t give the Great Commission to the ChangeMakers and just send money. We need to go as well. 

While we have many effective leaders and pastors in Africa, the need for more remains. The demand for training, mentors, and leaders far outweighs the supply. I urge you to constantly pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into his field. Whether they’re nationals or Americans, it doesn’t matter. . . just pray that he’ll raise up leaders, pastors, and missionaries. Go. Make disciples. Baptize. Teach. These verbs from the Great Commission are what we are challenging you to put into action. If you are interested in visiting the mission field in Africa to establish a partnership there, reach out to me at