The Importance of Family Care
December 20, 2021
Baghdad Revival: From Darkness to Light
January 4, 2022In 2009 at the age of 25 I met the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. Five years later I met my wife Karen Karina Kantun Cruz and we currently have a daughter, Mia. After I was saved we began attending church at Centro de Vida in Ripley, Mississippi, for the first time.
At first I was only attending church as a listener, but from the beginning there was in my heart the desire to serve the Lord even though I still did not know in what area. By the grace of God, Pastor Elvis García already had a strong desire to train leaders through a small Bible institute in the church. Without thinking twice, I went in to prepare myself for whatever God wanted.
Two years later while I was still attending the Bible institute, God called me to the ministry and put a heavy burden on my heart to return to my country to start a new work. I shared this desire with Pastor Elvis and since then he has been preparing me to return to Mexico.
We began to pray and God put it in our hearts to start a new work in the city of Oxford, Mississippi, where I served for two-and-a-half years with Brother Luis Huchin, who is now pastor of the church.
At the end of 2015 I left for Mexico to start the work God had told me to do. We began the work in February of 2016 in the town of Felipe Carrillo Puerto Campeche. By 2019 we had an average attendance of 60 people, but with the pandemic that affected the whole world we were a year without being able to have face-to-face services, only virtual.
We are currently starting anew in the ministry and encouraging the brothers to faithfully follow the Lord. At present we have a project in the church to train workers for the ministry. Since in this way we are going to grow, our goal is to teach them to win souls and disciple and become servants for the Lord. We also have future plans to expand to other cities to open new churches and continue to carry the gospel of the Lord Jesus.
Pray for us because whenever the work of God is growing, the devil always wants to oppose and destroy the work of God. We know and we are clear that the work belongs to the Lord so that the projects and plans we have for the future can be carried out and be a blessing in people’s lives.
Pray for our projects to prepare leaders and that the Lord continues to add those who will be saved.