Buddy Johnson: Reaching for God’s Glory

Ministering in Thailand
August 6, 2019
A Missions Story: Jerry Kidd
August 8, 2019
Ministering in Thailand
August 6, 2019
A Missions Story: Jerry Kidd
August 8, 2019

Buddy Johnson: Reaching for God’s Glory

“Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake. Truly, truly, I say unto you, he that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” (John 17:11-14).

For as long as I can remember, I have heard stories and seen wonders that fill my heart with praise to God for the great things he continues to do in Baptist Missionary Association (BMA) Missions.

Also, all of my life, I have known of many of the challenges and hardships that our missionaries and churches encounter every day. Missionaries have lived through financial hardships, persecution, separation from loved ones, and so many other things that the enemy would try to use to halt the work of God.

These things are real. There are challenges at home and abroad, and yet none of these things could ever thwart God’s plans for the Lord’s churches.

The modern experience is not the first time that circumstances threatened the faith and resolve of believers in Christ. In the Gospel of John, the disciples were facing an incomprehensible situation that provoked in them a crisis of faith.

Jesus was about to leave them.

He told the twelve that he was to be delivered and crucified, after which he would go away to his Father’s house. In John chapters 13 and 14, Peter rejected the very idea of Jesus’ death and would later deny the Lord. Thomas was confused and Phillip wanted a sign in order to fully believe.

Jesus responded that they should not doubt but instead believe. The disciples had seen his works and heard his Word; therefore, they should believe. He reassured them of the following:

My death is not the end.

You will receive the Holy Spirit,.

I will do anything that you ask in my name.

In the future you will do “greater things” than you have seen before.

What amazing promises! Jesus spent his ministry in a very small area of the world, but in his apostles’ lives and through his church the gospel continues to reach people all over the world. Jesus says that these greater things are possible to those who believe.

By the grace of God, we continue to see churches planted, the gospel preached, and disciples made all over the world. We rejoice that today there are more BMA missionaries in more countries than at any time in the history of the BMA. We are reaching further and further for God’s glory.