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October 18, 2023

BMA of Africa Ministry in Liberia

By Abraham Cheyee, ChangeMaker and Coordinator for BMA of Liberia and Ivory Coast

Our journey began in 1990 when we, along with many others, had to flee Liberia due to the outbreak of the fifteen-year civil crisis. As born-again Christians, we felt called to continue our ministry even in the midst of adversity. Residing in Toulepleu, Western Ivory Coast, as refugees, we joined forces with believers from the Baptist community and embarked on soul-winning and evangelism efforts among Liberian refugees in various camps and the Ivorian people in their towns and villages.

Feeling called to ministry service, my wife and I decided to pursue theological studies. In 1994, we enrolled at Mid-Baptist Theological College in Wa, Upper West Region, Ghana. Following graduation in 1998, we applied to extend the mission’s ministry works to Ivory Coast, with a vision to minister to Liberian refugees and the Ivorian population. The Lord graciously opened doors, and we were able to establish churches and fellowships, witnessing the salvation of many souls.

Unfortunately, in 2003, the Ivorian civil crisis erupted, forcing us to repatriate back to Liberia, along with Ivorian pastors and church members. Returning to a country devastated by the civil crisis, with cities, towns, and villages in ruins, we, as BMA Africa ministers, were committed to fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). While Liberian citizens focused on rebuilding their broken homes, we established the first BMA Africa worship center in Monrovia in 2005, operating on my family’s land to this day. Additionally, our pastors and church planters ventured into rural Liberian towns and villages to establish a presence among the people.

BMA Liberia ministry primarily focuses on reaching out to specific groups in the country. These include traditional idol worshipers, Western cults, and worldly worshipers. We actively engage with individuals involved in traditional idol worship, Western cults such as the UBF, Masonic Craft Masons, and those immersed in worldly practices. These groups can be found in almost all 15 counties of the country, and we are dedicated to bringing the light of the gospel to them.

The Muslim population is dominant in northern Liberia with many individuals engaged in trading and residing in other parts of the country. We recognize the importance of reaching out to this community and sharing the love of Christ with them.

We, the BMA Liberia family, are grateful for the support received from BMA Global over the years, enabling pastors, church planters, and their families to engage in evangelism and sustain themselves while ministering to others. However, we face various needs and challenges as we continue to spread the gospel and build God’s kingdom in Liberia. We humbly ask for your prayers and support in the following areas.

We would like to acquire and build a BMA Liberia headquarters office, establish a central hub for our ministry and provide a training site for pastors and church planters. Furthermore, we seek to erect BMA Liberia headquarters church to facilitate the planting of smaller churches in rural towns and villages.

There is also a need for training programs and opportunities for pastors, church planters, and other Christian workers to equip them for effective ministry, so educational materials like Bibles, Sunday school literature, gospel tracts, and teaching materials are crucial for the spiritual growth and education of our children and adults. Financial support is also needed to complete ongoing church building projects in Toe Town, rural Southeastern Liberia. This facility will serve as a conference center and training hub for pastors and church leaders.

Our vision is to expand to other countries by extending our ministry works to neighboring countries such as Ivory Coast, Guinea, and Sierra Leone. These rural ministries will require reliable transportation such as cars and motorbikes to reach remote areas and effectively carry out our mission.

Many of our members are living in poor and desperate conditions due to the 15 years of civil crisis as well as the recent Ebola and coronavirus outbreaks. So, humanitarian support is greatly needed, particularly medication, used clothing, and footwear.

And finally, we are blessed to operate a Christian school in Toe Town, catering to abandoned, orphaned, and underprivileged children. We appeal to Christian school administrators and compassionate individuals to sponsor the school and provide Christian teaching materials.Our sincere prayer is that the Lord opens doors of opportunity for our requests to be received and answered. Your partnership in fulfilling the Great Commission will make a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals in Liberia and beyond.