Transformed Lives From a Headhunting People Group
July 18, 2023
Leaders Who Multiply
August 1, 2023By Miriam, Creative Access Missionary in the Himalayas
As a warm culture here in Southeast Asia, time is of little consequence. Quality time and friendships are prioritized over the scheduled, fast-paced culture we are controlled by in the West. Personally, I generally prefer this slow, easy-going culture. The day is not determined by every task you must accomplish or by planning far ahead but by steadily gliding through each day wherever it may take you. Yet what good is this when we are pressed under the imminent return of Christ? As Mark 1:15 states, “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” This is an urgent call. Man should not take his time responding to this kind of call.
In our predominantly Hindu country, every household awakens early to begin the daily religious rituals. They light candles, burn incense, ring bells, and blow into their shelled horns to awaken their millions of gods and ask them to bless their homes. How can one convince a nation of people that believes all gods are one, that only one God exists? How can we convince them that they must repent of their sin? How can we explain to them that they are indeed a sinner in need of repentance? Our prayer is that this nation would awaken to the urgency of their spiritual condition and ensure their futures are settled in Christ. A task only the Holy Spirit can do.
However, as the hands and feet of Christ, we are honored with the job to arise each day, go out into the streets, go out into the mountains, and seek people to share the truth and free gift of grace the Lord has for them. Graven images of wood and stone have no power to save. The demons hiding behind these masks are the true puppeteers and have used the impressionable minds of the people to enslave an entire country to idolatry. Our command is simple, but the execution is difficult.
A man was recently asked, “Do you know what sin is?”
“Sin is the bad things we do,” he replied confidently, something not everyone in this country often has an answer to.
Once more, he was asked, “And where do you go if you sin or do bad things?”
“Sinful people go to hell and perfect people go to heaven,” he retorted.
“But is this not bad news for you and I? I am a sinner and you are a sinner. I am certainly not perfect. I don’t know anyone who is . . . !”
This man’s replies were very much the same as everyone else we have asked. They understand the concept of sin and doing wrong but not how it applies to them or how it applies to the eternally Holy God they have sinned against. What rings as truth in their ears falls dead before it reaches their hearts.
Please pray for our ministry, pray for the lost, pray that Jesus would intercede on behalf of our friends and draw them into the Father’s fold of grace.
Pray that we might not be harmed by the dark and evil forces of the devil in this country.
Pray that we might equip ourselves each day for battle and remain victorious in Christ.
Pray that the people of this country would not tarry in making the choice to repent. Pray that they would hastily take hold of this offer of salvation and cleave to it earnestly until the second coming of our Lord.