What’s Going On In the Middle East and How You Can Help

BMA of Africa Ministry in Liberia
October 17, 2023
Current BMA Global Missions Work in Ghana
October 24, 2023
BMA of Africa Ministry in Liberia
October 17, 2023
Current BMA Global Missions Work in Ghana
October 24, 2023

What’s Going On In the Middle East and How You Can Help

by Charlie Costa, BMA Global Middle East Coordinator

Many of our people have called or emailed to check on us, the Costa family, and the BMA missions team in the Middle East in light of the current conflict. At the writing of these lines, I am in the US while the rest of the family are back in Beirut and Jordan. So far all are safe and have what they need.

Our Commitment

A few years ago, we had a family powwow and made a joint decision on what to do in times like these. We all agreed that people expect us to be near them and with them, not only in good times but in times of trouble and conflict. We still believe that it is God’s calling on our lives to be in the Middle East and demonstrate the love of Christ in an area torn by hatred and conflict.

Our team is committed to serving Christ and representing our churches backed by the caring people of the BMA and a visionary leadership that does not lose sight of the goal in the thick smoke of explosions. 

What can you do for us?

No doubt PRAYER is the most needed thing in these times. Our team on the ground, whether in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt or Syria, are feeling the impact of what’s going on in Gaza. Should the conflict spill over to Lebanon or Jordan, that will increase the impact, obviously. 

The second need is FINANCIAL SUPPORT. I am making sure that cash is available in-country as banks will no doubt close. Your support is greatly needed during this time. I pray you will give generously through BMA Global Middle East work funds. So please don’t wait: Give today. We need to be pro-active and mobilize our churches for prayer and support. 

Your Church

I am challenging pastors to send out to your people a prayer request immediately for our team and brethren in the Middle East. Please make an urgent decision to back us up with prayers and finances. Time is of the essence.

Click here to give. We appreciate your prayers and support.

Charles Costa

Email: Chuckcosta58@gmail.com

Mobile & WhatsApp: +961 (71) 939371U.S. Phone: +1 (501) 514 0589