Coming to you: The Kfarshima Center for Women
September 26, 2023
We Need Your Help
October 10, 2023
Coming to you: The Kfarshima Center for Women
September 26, 2023
We Need Your Help
October 10, 2023

Spreading Hope and Empowering Villages: The Journey of Church Planting in the Villages

By Joshua Phiri, Missionary to Zambia

In our commitment to spreading the transformative message of faith, we have embarked on a journey of planting churches in the villages of Zambia, each with its unique set of challenges and opportunities. This article highlights our efforts in establishing these churches, addressing challenges related to witch doctors and the cultural practice of marrying multiple wives, and celebrating the passion of young people to reach neighboring villages. Furthermore, we focus on our goal of raising up leaders who will not only lead their churches but also plant more churches and make disciples who will continue the chain of transformative growth (2 Timothy 2:2).

Planting Churches in Three Villages

With a vision of expanding the reach of the Gospel, we have successfully planted churches in three villages. Each church serves as a center for spiritual growth, village unity, and comprehensive development. Through prayer, strategic planning, and collaboration with local villages, we have witnessed the establishment of vibrant congregations and Bible study small groups that are transforming lives.

Challenges of Witch Doctors and Cultural Practices

One of the significant challenges we have encountered in these villages is the presence of witch doctors and the cultural practice of marrying multiple wives. Witch doctors often hold influence over the village, perpetuating beliefs and practices that are contrary to the teachings of Christ. In these villages, there aren’t any doctors or hospitals, so when people get sick, they go to witch doctors for help. These witch doctors are seen as sources of hope and healing.

But we wanted to bring true healing to the village with the love of Jesus. We showed kindness, prayed for people, and shared stories of how God has miraculously healed others. We wanted to show that faith in God can bring real love and healing. As time went on, we saw a change happening as people started to see that they could find genuine love and healing through a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Additionally, the practice of marrying multiple wives poses its own set of challenges, including strained relationships, gender inequality, and emotional turmoil within families. Upholding our core value of caring for families in distress, we approach this issue with sensitivity and respect for cultural traditions. Our goal is to help families thrive by promoting biblical values of love, respect, and unity. By providing support, guidance, and family discipleship, we strive to strengthen marriages and create a healthier and more harmonious family life, reflecting the teachings of the Bible and the love of Christ.

The Passion of Young People and the Call to Reach Neighboring Villages

Inspiringly, we have witnessed a fervent passion among the young people within these villages to reach neighboring villages with the transformative message of Christ. Their desire to make a difference and share the hope they have found in their own lives is a driving force behind our efforts. These young people, fueled by their faith and full of excitement, are like sparks that bring positive changes. They share God’s teachings and help their villages grow.

Raising Up Leaders and Making Disciples

To ensure the sustainability and growth of the churches we have planted, we are committed to raising up local leaders. Through comprehensive training programs, mentorship, and discipleship, we equip individuals within the village to take up leadership roles within their churches. These leaders are empowered to shepherd their congregations, nurture spiritual growth, and address the specific needs of their villages. 

Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of making disciples who will, in turn, make more disciples. By instilling the value of intentional discipleship, we create a culture of continuous growth and multiplication. As Jesus instructed in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”


Our journey of planting churches in the villages has been marked by challenges, triumphs, and a deep sense of purpose. Despite the obstacles posed by witch doctors and cultural practices, we remain committed to sharing the transformative message of faith, hope, and love. The passion of young people fuels our efforts, while the training and equipping of local leaders ensure the continued growth and expansion of the churches.

As we raise up leaders who will lead their churches and plant more churches, we strive to make disciples who will carry the torch of transformative growth forward. Through the power of faith, community empowerment, and the commitment to spreading the Gospel, we envision a future where these villages and neighboring communities are touched by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Together, we embrace the call to empower communities, make disciples, and bring about lasting transformation.

Prayer Points

  • Please pray for the transformative message of faith to touch the hearts of people in the villages where we planted churches. 
  • Pray for freedom from the influence of witch doctors and for people to find genuine love and healing in a relationship with Jesus. 
  • Pray for healing and restoration in families affected by the cultural practice of marrying multiple wives.
  • Lift up young people with a passion to reach neighboring villages, and pray for guidance and empowerment. 

Pray for the leaders being raised up, discipleship efforts, sustainability and growth of the churches, overcoming obstacles, and the fulfillment of God’s purposes in these villages.