Pioneering the Work and Raising Up Leaders
May 2, 2023
2023 Legacy Missionaries: Bobby and Ruth Bowman
May 16, 2023
Pioneering the Work and Raising Up Leaders
May 2, 2023
2023 Legacy Missionaries: Bobby and Ruth Bowman
May 16, 2023

Gospel Message in a Bottle

By Tommy Rose, BMA Missionary to Mexico

We came to Queretaro, Mexico, five years ago to plant a church. We decided to move to the growing metropolis because BMA Mexico does not have a gospel presence in the state of Queretaro. Upon arriving, our family focused on meeting and sharing the gospel with the unchurched. Our first outreach event was planned with a church group visiting us from the United States. We spent the week passing out water bottles and tracts at one of the many parks downtown. We handed out hundreds of water bottles with our church logo and contact information.

These events are admittedly stressful because we weren’t able to strike up a conversation with every person who received a water bottle. We began to ask ourselves a series of questions: Will anyone even read or look up the information? Will anyone contact the church? Will anyone visit the church? Is what we’re doing making any difference at all?

It was five years after passing out those water bottles that God reminded us he has it all in control. 

Isaac had received a water bottle that day in the park, and he took it home and placed it in his apartment. That water bottle became buried among the clutter of life and practically lost all visual contact with the known world. However, in God’s perfect timing the information on the bottle resurfaced, and Isaac sent us a message through Facebook. He explained he had been facing some difficult situations when the water bottle appeared again after five years. It is difficult to put into words and to wrap our heads around the events that lead us to God’s perfect plan. Recognizing the hand of God in our lives and his guidance is a blessing of immense proportions. The circumstances that Isaac was experiencing had led him to us and opened his eyes to a need only God could meet. Our church, El Arco, had the privilege of directing him to God’s Word and the good news of the gospel.

We met downtown at a coffee shop where he explained the despair he was feeling and the need for hope and a new purpose. I pray that more people would come to this realization. I know it may hurt to go through difficult situations, but when they take us to a point of crisis it can be a beautiful revelation. Sadly, the opposite is more likely true. People are more likely to find solutions waiting for them in empty words of comfort. The majority of people really do find bliss in their ignorance. That is why it is so beautiful to experience the moment someone realizes they can do nothing without Jesus.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).Isaac came to our new believers Bible study and placed his trust in Christ as his Lord and Savior. He commented that he had sought the counsel of many professionals and pastors of churches, but he had never had the gospel explained as he had heard in our Bible study. I honestly don’t know how the gospel may have been presented to him before we met, but we pray that God continues to use us to proclaim a clear and powerful gospel. We pray that the people God has placed in our lives would yearn for purpose and truth and find Jesus. Maybe it will be today or tomorrow or five years from now, but as we faithfully serve, we will undoubtedly experience marvelous testimonies like Isaac’s. We can’t wait to hear your stories of God’s providence. God bless you all and thank you for your prayers and support.