Advancing the Gospel in Wartime

One Church Planter, Two Continents
March 29, 2022
Change in North American Missions Landscape
April 5, 2022
One Church Planter, Two Continents
March 29, 2022
Change in North American Missions Landscape
April 5, 2022

Advancing the Gospel in Wartime

by John Meriweather

The gospel always advances in the face of persecution and oppression! I’ve preached that many times, often with resounding amens. Yet how often have we truly been oppressed or persecuted as Christians? What if you were voluntarily living in a country where that statement was becoming a reality? What is true is not always easy. Indeed the New Testament is replete with scripture and examples of real suffering, real oppression, and real persecution. These factors were indeed the catalyst to the missionary expansion of the early church, and they remain an ever present reality for those missionaries serving God around the world. 

In BMA Missions, this reality is clearly understood and clearly expressed with all those that serve. While we have processes and protocols in place to assist our U.S.missionaries through precarious situations, the reality is that our ChangeMakers exist in these realities. The option to leave is not always available to them. If it were, they wouldn’t. 

Just this month in Ukraine, we see the faithful resolve of our ChangeMakers to share the gospel in the midst of the suffering. 

From Myanmar to India to Egypt and locations around the world – ChangeMakers often live and persevere in situations that we can only reference. Please pray for these faithful men and women who demonstrate and teach us that indeed God is greatly glorified in the midst of our suffering and our trials.