Rudson dos Santos: ChangeMaker in Brazil

Change in North American Missions Landscape
April 5, 2022
God Didn’t Stop Blessing
April 12, 2022
Change in North American Missions Landscape
April 5, 2022
God Didn’t Stop Blessing
April 12, 2022

Rudson dos Santos: ChangeMaker in Brazil

Hello! My name is Rudson dos Santos and I am one of your ChangeMakers in Brazil. In 2016, my wife Luana and our two beautiful daughters Rebeca and Maia, moved to Cidade Jardim to start a new mission. Cidade Jardim is a well-known neighborhood in the city of Belo Horizonte, the capital city of the state of Minas Gerais. With a population of around 2.7 million and a metropolitan area of 12.7 million inhabitants, Belo Horizonte (Beautiful Horizon) is the third-most populous metropolitan area in Brazil and the thirteenth largest city in South America. 

We started by connecting with and pouring into the lives of street kids. Typically, these are children of separated parents and many of them are involved with drugs and alcohol. Much like the rest of the country, there are several kids in our city that have run away from home or have a terrible home environment and have ended up living in the streets.

Through our ministry, many of these kids, some are tweens, have come to know Christ and His transforming power. Although this has been our entryway, we haven’t stop there. Our goal is to also reach their parents. Some of these parents have started attending church. Pray for us and our ministry among “the least of these.” By God’s grace, we’ve had some great victories and have been able to preach and reach some with the gospel of Christ in our community. 

I am grateful to Baptist Missionary Association (BMA) Missions and all its churches with a heart for missions. I truly appreciate you supporting us and all the other ChangeMakers here in Brazil.