September 17, 2024

Women Changing Women in the Middle East

I am a Woman Ministries, or IAW, was established in Lebanon in 2006. Its goal is to empower ladies and give them an opportunity to belong to a like-minded community. The ministry started in the capital city of Beirut. After sixteen years of ministry within the city, the IAW team revisited its strategy and began heading out to various areas in Lebanon to offer courses in collaboration with the local churches. 
September 10, 2024

Raised Mormon Then Found the True Gospel

Growing up Mormon, I only knew the culture that surrounded me, so I was taught a different gospel. I knew about and believed in God, knew right from wrong, and went to church occasionally. Even though I didn't attend church every Sunday, I was still conditioned in the Mormon faith. 
August 27, 2024

From Rebellion to Regeneration

Damaris Porras was one of six sisters and two brothers . . . and considered the rebellious one in the family. When she was a teenager, one of her sisters was saved at Brother Bill’s church in Tibas. Her sister came home and told her family about her salvation and invited them to the Easter service led by Brother Bill. 
August 20, 2024

History and Overview of Ministry in the Middle East

In 1993, I was elected as missionary for BMA Lebanon. After I graduated from Central Baptist College, I went back to Beirut and was sent by First Baptist at Blackwood, New Jersey, to serve in Lebanon. Then in 1989 my father died and I took over for him as Lifeword’s Arabic speaker.  
August 13, 2024

Transformed Lives in Burkina Faso

Located in West Africa, Burkina Faso is a primarily Muslim country that is known for its political instability and the ongoing presence of Islamic militant groups. Though the country's constitution declares that individuals have the right to religious freedom in Burkina Faso, terrorist groups have been known to target places of worship and religious leaders in the country. Christian persecution is a very real and dangerous reality that believers in Burkina Faso face.
August 6, 2024


Recently, we heard author and leadership developer Mac Lake state that pastors often rush to present the solution and neglect to expose the problem. Until a few years ago, we had not truly understood the problem and lack of theological training, particularly among those in the majority world. According to researcher David Livermore, there are more than three million untrained pastors in the world.
July 30, 2024

Self-Assessment of Priorities

Every so often, my wife and I sit down and assess our budget. We ask important questions like, “Are we disciplined and faithful with our current budget?” and, “Do we need to make some changes to address current realities?” But the most important question we ask is this: “Does our budget reflect our overall goals and purposes?”
July 23, 2024

One Vision: Healthy Leaders and Healthy Churches

The entire context of the New Testament is one of multiplication. All healthy believers and churches will multiply. The multiplication of disciples is crucial in the formula for multiplication and that places the onus on the leader to be making disciples. If pastors and leaders are not spiritually healthy than unhealthy, with no multiplication, is what will be normal in churches as well.
July 9, 2024

BMMI in Colombia

In April 2024, a BMMI medical team traveled to Colombia where the group served alongside local pastors and church planters, hosting clinics in the port city of Puerto Inirida and in remote villages along the Orinoco River. The main goal of BMMI is to connect people in the community to the local church, introducing people to Christ while assisting with their health.
July 2, 2024

Short-term Missions with Long-term Goals

Short-term trips are intentional journeys to serve with a missionary and provide assistance in a project or ministry, serve the local church, share the gospel, build relationships, and foster cross-cultural understanding. More often than not, the person taking the trip is much more impacted than the ones they go to serve.
June 25, 2024

One Mission – Many Parts

The Christian journey was never intended to be an isolated one. The call to make disciples gives clarity to our need for one another. In a similar fashion, scripture tells us the church is one body made up of many parts. One body represents the unity of MISSION. Many parts represent the MEANS.  God’s plan and design is that we work together, using our God given gifts, talents, and ability to further his mission.
June 18, 2024

Overcoming Animism in Africa

Imagine believing in God, but not actually trusting that what he says is true. Instead, you proclaim to believe in God, but when something bad happens, you wonder what you did wrong. Maybe you start to doubt God’s goodness and faithfulness. Maybe you start to doubt that God is sovereign over all. Maybe you start to let the doubt take over and before you know it, God is not Lord of your life.