Women Changing Women in the Middle East
September 17, 2024
Women Changing Women in the Middle East
September 17, 2024

God’s Goal and Commandment to His People

By Sisher, Lifeword Nepal

From the beginning of creation God wanted His glory to be spread over all the earth, and He gave this responsibility to the man and woman, basically saying, “Let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over all created things.” 

God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. But in Genesis 3, they disobeyed God and sinned against their Creator. 

In the New Testament Jesus has given the same commandment to His disciples to go spread the good news of God so that every nation will know and come and worship. As all nations would hear the good news of Him, receive Him as their Lord and Savior, and worship, the earth shall be filled with His knowledge of glory. 

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus commanded His disciples to spread the word about Jesus and make sure all the world would know about Him. We, as His church, have been given this responsibility to go and share about King Jesus Christ to every nation of the world and make disciples, teaching them to do all things that he has commanded us. 

As we live on earth, this is our goal and task: to make Him known to our communities and people groups. 

I am Sishir, and I have been working as a house church pastor and trainer in Nepal for seven years. I have a wife Sanjita and a daughter Grace, and I have been serving the Lord for fifteen years in Nepal as a missionary. 

I am from Darjeeling, a small mountain place in the Northeast part of West Bengal State of India. I left my home, my parents, siblings and my job in 2009 when I was called by God to serve Nepali people. I met my wife in 2011, and we married in 2012. We both have been serving people and serving God continually together since we became one.

Praise be to God, for He has given us many people and families to serve for the Lord. We have our two house churches now in Kathmandu, Nepal, where every Saturday and Thursday we gather together to learn from the Word of God.

I travel to many other places in Nepal. There are 77 districts, and I have been in more than 45 districts with the good news of Jesus Christ. There are many challenges when we travel, especially in remote places such as Manang, Mustang, Jumla, Humla, Dadeldhura, Darchula and other areas. According to a survey of the government of Nepal, there are 143 people groups living in Nepal. Most of them have been reached with good news but many are still left. 

I have been working among the Rung community where three people groups are still unreached and unengaged. They live in the northwest part of Nepal near India and China. We travel three times in a year to be witnesses among these people groups, but it is always challenging due to the road and distance. Also, there are other people groups as well who are unreached with the gospel. We travel to other places to visit them and witness to them. 

Since then, I have been traveling to many places in Nepal. God has given me good networking with different local churches as well. Whenever I travel to those places, I train and teach them about church planting and discipleship. As a result, they all are growing, planting new churches in their local places and making more disciples and leaders as well. Praise God for this! 

My father and some other friends have started Driver Fellowship among taxi drivers in Siliguri, West Bengal, India. My father has been serving as a president of that fellowship. Many drivers are not trained with the Word of God, so I am traveling there three times in a year to train and teach them. They all are good at sharing good news and teaching others as well. 

Ministry in Kathmandu Valley

We have planted two house churches in Kathmandu. Each house church has 20-30 people. Our church members are devoted to God.​​ Everyone has their own wonderful personal testimony about how they came to faith. God has done so many miracles in each of our lives. 


I have very good networking with many local churches in Kathmandu. We are all friends and working together as well. In some churches, after church planting and discipleship training, these men have planted fourth generation churches in their local places. 

Youth Ministry 

Youth ministry is vital to the local church, and we have been doing youth ministry among them as well with the gospel-sharing and Bible study ministry. They all are doing a great job and growing spiritually and loving God. They share the good news to their friends in their schools and colleges and make disciples to their friends. 

Distribution Ministry

As God loves the world and has given His own Son Jesus Christ to save us, He is the perfect gift. Every Christmas, our church celebrates Christmas by providing food and clothes to the needy people who live in our communities. As we share food and clothes to them, we share the good news and invite them to open their hearts for Jesus.

Ministry to Children

Children’s ministry has a very important role in the local community because through children we can reach their parents and make good friendships with them. But the goal is to share about Jesus to them. So with this goal, we have started coaching classes every Sunday to Friday evening for school age children. We help with their everyday school assignments and teach them their school lessons as well. We show them the love of God by doing all this. They have started coming to attend church every Saturday and one of them has even come to faith in Christ. Praise the Lord! 

Mark 10:13-15 says, “And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.’”

Media Ministry

I have been partnering with Lifeword from Arkansas, USA, to produce daily devotional podcasts on social media for four years now. I podcast every day my four-to-five-minute Nepali sermon on their website and Facebook. Many people have been engaged now and learning from the Word of God by watching and listening. This podcast is mainly heard from Nepal, India, Dubai, Philippines, Malaysia, Portugal, and Australia. I podcast every week Monday to Friday at 6 p.m. You can also follow @lifeword.org/nepaliPlease join us by praying together for the work here. Please contact us for more updates at sishir3rai@gmail.com or contact on WhatsApp +977-9813799000.