Self-Assessment of Priorities
July 30, 2024
Transformed Lives in Burkina Faso
August 13, 2024
Self-Assessment of Priorities
July 30, 2024
Transformed Lives in Burkina Faso
August 13, 2024


By Eliezer B. Semedo, Assessment and Training Coordinator

Recently, we heard author and leadership developer Mac Lake state that pastors often rush to present the solution and neglect to expose the problem. Until a few years ago, we had not truly understood the problem and lack of theological training, particularly among those in the majority world. According to researcher David Livermore, there are more than three million untrained pastors in the world.

In essence, this means that 85% of churches around the world are led by untrained and/or ill-equipped pastors and leaders. In our own work, several of our national leaders testify that lack or limited access to theological training is one of their greatest challenges. In fact, the demand is so great that it would be impossible for colleges and seminaries to fulfill the gargantuan demand.

Faced with this apparent, insurmountable challenge, we researched for programs that could help us bridge the gap. After some time, we partnered with BTCPL – The Bible Training Center for Pastors and Leaders. 

In summary, BTCPL “uses a biblical, systematic, portable, and comprehensive approach to provide the foundational equivalent of a good Bible college or seminary education. [Their] training consists of 520 hours of interactive classroom lecture and discussion under the supervision of a qualified teacher, taking two to three years to complete. BTCPL’s mission is to extend comprehensive theological training to the world’s untrained pastors and church leaders.

For the past couple of years we have been able to equip our missionaries and national pastors with an affordable and comprehensive biblical training program that allows them to start training centers or Bible institutes in their countries. For many of our students and leaders, this will be the first time they go through a theological training in their native language (Tagalog in the Philippines or Kannada in India).

Currently, we have launched training centers in Brazil, Zambia, and here in the U.S. In the near future, we anticipate launching Bible training centers in Cape Verde, Costa Rica, Honduras, Philippines, and India. The goal is that students in each of these centers will graduate transformed and equipped to continue the 2 Timothy 2:2 cycle.