Short-term Missions with Long-term Goals
July 2, 2024
We Care with One Vision and One Team
July 16, 2024
Short-term Missions with Long-term Goals
July 2, 2024
We Care with One Vision and One Team
July 16, 2024

BMMI in Colombia

In April 2024, a BMMI medical team traveled to Colombia where the group served alongside local pastors and church planters, hosting clinics in the port city of Puerto Inirida and in remote villages along the Orinoco River. The main goal of BMMI is to connect people in the community to the local church, introducing people to Christ while assisting with their health. This recent trip to Colombia did just that and resulted in much more as well. 

Puerto Inirida is just like any other port city around the world–it is overrun with prostitution and drugs. Pedro Cuiche has planted a church in this city and has about 25 converts already, but the location of the church is in a swampy area in a dangerous part of town. Early in the BMMI team’s visit, Pedro asked the team to pray for God to provide a new place for the church to meet. 

During the team’s two and a half days in Puerto Inirida, they saw over 200 patients, and the gospel was shared with every person. At least 15 people made professions of faith at that time. The local church leaders will continue to follow up with these 15 people plus many others who expressed interest in learning more about Jesus Christ. 

On the team’s last day in Puerto Inirida, a few of the team members and Pastor Pedro went to thank leaders at the local hospital for allowing them to set up clinics in the area. The director of the hospital told Pedro, “I’ve seen who you are, and I’ve seen your heart to impact the youth. You’re changing their lives. I have this land I want to give you so you can use it for good.” 

Pedro was given four acres from a man who didn’t know him or Jesus Christ, who only saw the good that he was doing in Jesus’ name. It’s been said that light shines brightest in the darkness, and this is true for the light of Jesus Christ in this dark city. The fruit from the ministries of faithful men and women is evident, even to unbelievers. 

Colombia is a new territory for BMMI.  We have been praying for God to open doors for us to go and serve in new places, with new pastors that are planting churches.  Thank you for your faithfulness to give to BMMI.  Because of you, people are seeing Jesus in others, because of you, lives are being changed, because of you, churches are being planted.  Thank you for helping BMMI use healthcare to share the gospel of Jesus.To become a part of a team going to serve, sponsor medicines for a trip, or give to BMMI general fund, reach out to Angela Rice,